Fast and heavy rock and roll made by sticks and picks in a shabby basement somewhere in Sweden.

The story

Four dudes, guitar, bass, drums, vocals and a lack of faith in rules. Maybe that’s why these gentlemen do not allow themselves to be limited by square genre definitions. Maybe that’s also why they do not see a problem with taking the heavy parts from stoner rock, the energetic parts from punk rock and the sweet melodies from the best songwriters of our time. The result is a cocktail, or witch blend depending on how you see it, of groove and intensity with dynamic passages. The lyrics in the songs are often of a social commentary nature and deal with themes such as environmental threats, overconsumption and narcissism.


The group was put together in early 2015 where the only goal was to make fast and heavy rock n roll. The following year, the debut album “Cosmosotic” was released. The album was produced entirely by the band themselves in their rehearsal room, which is how they have done it for each release after. In 2018, the single “Crier In The Choir” was released, which had more progressive compositions. Their second full-length album “The Closing Overture” was released in 2020, which presented more mature compositions and even more diverse material. What comes next for Hurriah remains to be seen, but know this, the Hurriah rises.

Contact us

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